
The red soil in the Soviet Area gave birth to the revolution and made great contributions to the liberation of the Chinese people. In the establishment and development of revolutionary base areas, the red political power and the revolutionary road, countless revolutionary predecessors cast with blood and life into the Spirit of the Soviet Areas, which includes standing firm in our ideals and convictions, seeking truth from facts, serving the people wholeheartedly, keeping clean and honest, striving for excellence and being willing to make sacrifice as its main aspects.

Tempered and forged in an extremely difficult and dangerous revolutionary situation, the Soviet Spirit not only voices the commonness of Chinese Communists' spirit but also shows the characteristics of the Soviet period. It is the concentrated embodiment of the political nature and spiritual characteristics of the Chinese Communists and the new sublimation of the Chinese national spirit.

It has been proved by practice that, generated by firm political belief, the indomitable revolutionary will is a powerful source of strength for the Chinese Communists to overcome all difficulties and obstacles, to achieve one victory after another.
Whether in the past, the present or the future, the Party's glorious tradition and fine conduct are invaluable spiritual asset that inspires us to advance without fear of difficulties.

我们要牢记习近平总书记的嘱托, “努力为群众排忧解难,成为群众信得过、靠得住、离不开的知心人、贴心人。”大力弘扬苏区精神,从中国共产党人的精神谱系中汲取信仰力量、查找党性差距、校准前进方向,力争在新征程上书写新的更大奇迹、创造新的历史辉煌。
We should firmly keep the commitment, as the General Secretary Xi Jinping said, to resolve the people’s difficulties and anxieties, becoming trustworthy, reliable, intimate and inseparable friends of the people. By fully carrying forward the Spirit of the Soviet Areas, locating the gap in the sense of Party consciousness and calibrating the direction of progress, we can strive to draw on the strength of faith from the long line of inspiring principles so as to create the more magnificent chapter and brand new glories on the new journey.