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梦想从来不怕晚| 第四届“享阅读”读书分享会第三期

发布者: [发表时间]:2022年07月25日 23:05 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

Today the book I am going to share with you is The Moon and Sixpence, which is a novel by William Somerset Maugham based on the French Impressionist Painter Gauguin.
It describes the story of an ordinary London stock broker Strickland, who suddenly fell into the magic of art, abandoned his wife and children, and abandoned the rich and happy life seen by others. He went to Tahiti island in the South Pacific to write his brilliant life with a brush and put all the value of life into the gorgeous canvas.The sixpence, the lowest-valued silver coin in England, represents the vulgar reality of the mediocre; The "moon" hangs high in the night sky, symbolizing ideals and freedom. Both are homomorphic, both sparkling, but fundamentally different, and one begins to understand Strickland's life after reading this book. Although he is solitary and the world incompatible, he is in adversity, neither humble nor arrogant. Don't worry about external things, follow your own heart, escape from the shackles of the secular, and finally move towards the ultimate realm of art. Many people neglect the moon in their hearts for sixpence. There are many classic sentences in this book.
        今天我要分享的书是《月亮与六便士》,这是英国著名小说家威廉 萨默塞特·毛姆以法国印象派画家高更为原型创作的小说。

Youth is to face the reality of the ability to imagination in accordance with other peoples imagination to deceive themselves.
        I think that a person can be the pursuit of the highest ideal is self perfection.
        All over the place was six pence,but he looked up at the moon.
        Personally, I like this sentence in it :" People wore masks so seamlessly that they even think they  liked the masks." In fact, most people in life are so, wearing a mask to live. In deceiving others at the same time, also deceiving themselves, so they become the same people."
        In The Moon and Sixpence, we can see different stories of people giving up their lives to pursue their dreams. The moon represented the dream and was distantly bright. Everyone can see but hard to reach. Sixpence represented wealth and was the direction most people chose. He who chose the moon was hard to understand, even if he can't get money. Those who pursued their dreams were still happy while doing so. Maugham not only expressed the choices between dream and wealth, but also reflected many aspects of life philosophy. The message of this book is that dreams are not the right of young people.
No matter how old you are, you have the right to talk about your dreams and to pursue your dreams. Dream is never afraid of late, afraid of never starting.